
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Girl, F--k Your Feelings

Girl, F--k Your Feelings

Yeah, you read that right. F*ck your feelings, sis.

So, lately, I’ve been back in the gym trying to get back fine and whatnot.

CORRECTION: Lately, I’ve been TRYING to get back in the gym trying to get back fine and whatnot.

The issue is, more often than I care to admit, that alarm rings at 5am and my sleepy, fluffy self says: I don’t feel like doing this today. And, after about the third morning in a row of going back to sleep, my inner bad bih has finally spoken back:


Yup. That’s what the bih said.

And, it caught me off-guard, but it also got my feet to moving and my brain to thinking:

How many times have we missed out on opportunities or passed up blessings because of what we didn’t feel like?

How many times have we said, “Next summer ain’t gonna catch us slipping”?But then, in the next moment, we hear “summer bodies are made in the winter” and proceed to cut up at Thanksgiving?

This applies to other areas of our lives as well.

How many times have we said yes when our minds said no because we were concerned about other people’s feelings? Because we felt bad about letting them down or inconveniencing them?

My bestest’s mom said something that I’ve never forgotten. She said, “You’re busy worrying about everyone else’s feelings but ain’t nobody worrying about yours.”

Again, girl, f*ck them feelings.

Don’t get me wrong. Your feelings matter. Your feelings have value. They should be honored—Both by you and by people who claim to care about you. 

But the Bible also teaches us that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. It says “Who can know it?”

I’m going to step out on a limb and say we can. Or, at least, we can know what’s good for it and honor THAT.


By writing the vision and making it plain and letting all who read it run thereby. Including you.

When everything is still and you’re alone with your thoughts, and talking to God, what’s the vision that you have for your life? What does the best version of you look like? Feel like? Sound like? And, if you act right now based on how you’re feeling right now, how well does that align with what you’ve mapped out for yourself? If it doesn’t, get your ass out of your proverbial bed and get to moving.

It’s about doing the work. If we’re going to bask in the #HotGirlSummers of our lives, we’ve gotta put in the work in our #WTFwinters. It’s cold out. It’s harsh. The winds of our situations are biting at our cheeks. But if we’re going to pursue our purpose, we can’t get distracted by our pain. By our uncomfortableness. By our fatigue. By our fear of loneliness or exclusion because someone may not like our, “Nah, I’m cool.”

And I know we can do it. I’m hopeful we can all do it. I wanna see the sun shine on all my people. I want the rays of success and happiness and fulfillment to make all of our skins glow. 

And, to that end, I say this with all due respect to you and overflowing reverence for The Most High:

Girl, f*ck your feelings...In Jesus’ name.

You Could’ve Been A Brave Bih!

You Could’ve Been A Brave Bih!

